Google recently launched Chrome, web browser by Google. Chrome was in news all over as soon as it was available for download. But behind all the craze for chrome, release of Picasa 3.0 lost somewhere in the news.
Google introduced some really awesome feature in Picasa. Picasa 3 comes with a Photo Viewer, reminds me of ACDSee, but unlike ACDSee you don't have to pay anything to use it. Apart from this you can create movies from you pictures, and the best part is while creating the movie, time-line between the pictures automatically adjust to the length of song. Re-touch option is simply great it is very similar to clone feature in Adobe Photoshop.
These are some of the great features supported by Picasa 3, for a complete list click here
Check out this video as well:
They have made significant change in Picasaweb as well, name tag feature is simply superb. You just have to name one face, and picasaweb will search and found all similar faces. It is so accurate, when I used it, I found more than 95% accuracy.
Check out this video: