Sunday, May 21, 2006

Memories of College Life

Continue to my previous post, I found these few lines extremely nice, so read it on n do leave a comment if u really feels this way....

I walk back towards the large gates of college,
Breeze rustling leaves across the road,
Fluttering in wind.
Walk past the lifeless canteen,
With no one to shout,
Peep into empty classes, missing the scream of joy.
Stand at the tree,
Where a hundred love was declared and broken...
A Single tear escapes my eyes n fall toward the emptiness of the sands,
As my mind races in thought.
Alone I stand,
As I think it all over,
And only memories remains, dats college life........

[Source: Unknown]


  1. Hey!!! Cool ha!!!!
    Thts a gud ending to the previous post... sounds interestg... U hv it in u .. The Writing skills...Keep Blogg'g...N are these lines written by u .. or read it sumwhr... Hey jus kidg... gud Work..These words take me bk to my college days.. those were the days it use to enjoy.. wow !!!!..

    Oh I miss my College!!!! Cant help .. Got to live life as it is... But i hv all my college friends to cheer me up .. so Thanks for bring'g my Black n white Memories to color...

    Enjoy Blogg'g!!!!

  2. Jus amazing, these words visualize my memories of college days....

  3. Hey chk my blog too...

  4. Hey thts amazing... very quick response... Thanks.... I don't know.. some how i hv started developing a passion for writing...It gives me happiness when i m tired... Thanks for going thru my blog.. Keep reading my blog .. as n when time prevails... I update my blog every alternate days... I luv blogg'g .. it s so much of fun.. Thanks to google!!!!! hats off...

  5. check out my blog..
